Saturday, March 21, 2009

Depth and/or Breath?

My most recent subscription of Education Week talks about depth and appears that they were talking about two different things.....are they? When we discuss depth and breath in terms of insruction---are they different? I put this out there b/c I want to read the thoughts of those patient souls who take the time to check my blog....and to keep me inspired to continue blogging.....

So what do you think? Depth and in the same or different?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A matter of the heart....

Rather than responding to a comment on my previous blog, I opted to start a new post.....matters of the heart was mentioned in connection with is all about a matter of the heart.....that "will" that Pedro talked about......willing to make things happen is a direct correlation to what is filled in our hearts.....

I love being around new teachers b/c of that excitement and desire that comes with anything new....what starts out as idealistic often turns sour.....many hearts are turned to stone.......that is my concern and what I really wanted to talk about......

What can schools do? I strongly feel that it is top down......everyone talks about community....the irony is the lack of community within many schools.....doesn't that sense come from those leading? Perhaps if teachers felt a sense of ownership within the school, many hearts would soften......

I was often asked while teaching, how in the world do you get your childrern to perform so well? What do you do to get parents in your room? Why are parents asking for you??? I never really had an answer.....other than I truly cared.....I was in their homes having dinner.....taking my students to the movies.....they spent the night....their parents and I went out to dinners.....all of which many found to be crazy.......I think it was b/c the school was a part of me.......their worries, their concerns, their happiness was with me all of the time.......I did not take grading home with me....I took "them" home with me.......I sit here and think about all of those years....and I miss that....I miss what each new year brought, however never at the expense of the past years being forgotten........

Thoughts about Pedro Noguera

I was very fortunate to be able to hear Pedro Noguera speak. As I sat there listening to him, many thoughts came to my mind....everything he said was so real.....and very obvious. I was in a room full of administrators of all levels within the district. As he spoke of why students are not succeeding, I heard many of them agreeing. Why shouldn't they? Everything he said about our [educators] lack of will is true. In my seat, I begain to stomach begain to turn.....I became very uneasy....and I wanted to stand up and scream- "If you all agree with him...why the heck are things still being done the same way in many of your schools?!?!?!?" My esteemed colleague calmed me down....she could see me about to raise my hand.....I wanted to open Pandora's box.....but thought better...and sat quietly.......