Friday, February 27, 2009

Is it natural? was brought to my attention that I REALLY need to be updating my blog...I say to myself..."who wants to read anything I have to say...?" However, that is not necessarily true......I always have something to say...I just like the interaction of people...when I want to put my thoughts down on paper, I get out my journal.....and if I want to share something that I feel is worth sharing...I just find a gorup of people [or one person] and talk here is my do I make this "blog thing" natural for it like wearing your seat belt? When I first started driving, I refused to put that thing on....two very expensive tickets later, my father informed me that the choice was no longer mine....the point being, once I started wearing it, then it was it that whole do something for 21 days....then it becomes natural????.......perhaps....thank God I have someone who works very closely to me who continues to remind me..."Denise....get on the blog!"


  1. i don't know if anyone but you is going to know the answer to your question of how you make it natural. aside from the fact that there are plenty of people who are interested in what you have to say, i do believe that getting ideas and thoughts out often leads to good things - better understandings, feedback, etc. what about all the ideas you don't talk about or journal? what happens to some of those ideas? is it reasonable to say that it may have grown into something bigger and better? i'm sure you won't be convinced until something like that happens around here, but i do think that when we let ideas get away we may be missing an opportunity later on.

  2. Maybe lurking (simply getting in and reading the posts of others without commenting)is a way to get started. I am almost certain that you will read, see, or learn something that will make you want to comment. Or maybe an idea will be sparked, and you'll want to get feedback from others by posting on your own blog. If you are looking for a way to begin, it starts with logging in.

  3. Sometimes I'm flowing with thoughts--so many I just have to choose one thread. And other times, I'm just trying to set a good example and my heart's not really in it.
    Either way, I have more "natural" moments now than "contrived." I am eager to read others posts and I enjoy people responding to mine. I think you will get to that point as well since you have such wonderful things to share.

  4. I too am hesitant to blog, but I’d rather write than talk. English is not my primary language so when I speak, everything has to go through a translation phase in my mind. Unlike writing, where I get more time to process the information and edit it, speaking is just too spontaneous. I have to be conscious of the things I say, some tactless comments escape me I know but then …. I think practice makes perfect.

  5. Denise, I too was wondering how posting to blogs will become a natural part of our work commitments. I have tried to make myself check my blog first thing each morning, yet I get side tracked by emails, and other pressing duties. I was also wondering how much I would post if I were not an ELA buff? What if I were asked to routinely post to a Math or science blog where I had to reveal my musings about algegraic formulas? How often would you see me reveal my wonderings in these area? However, maybe blogging will lead to that "across disciplines" feature of writing that we long for as educators. Hmmm.
